Thursday, September 22, 2016

Barack Obama’s Final Speech to the United Nations as President!

On Tuesday, the 20th of September, Time Magazine's Reporter Katie Reilly, gives an insight on President Obama's final speech at the United Nations. Obama's message was one of coming togetherness into a more progressive and open way of thinking. Barack continues on into a reflection of how well our society has improved of that in the 20th century, yet it is overlooked by the natural "retreat" of divide, "conflict, along age-old lines of nation and tribe and race and religion." He insists that as we progress in society we must be able to  continue to grow and push innovation because if society only progresses to turn back around and reform back to the old ways of thinking then society will worsen into more conflicts and unnecessary war. In addition, Obama urges us on that such progression will guide us towards bettering individual opportunities and national success. President Obama's final speech at the United Nations was undoubtably a touching, reflective, and motivational one and he will surely be missed.

Barack's final speech is truly one to definitely look into! For the full article here's a link to it: Obama's Final UN Speech

Friday, September 9, 2016