Friday, December 16, 2016

Blog 8: Recounting Michigan

In my fellow classmate, Thomas McDill’s blog, he emphasizes the suspicion that candidate Donald Trump committed voter fraud because of his request to recount Michigan’s vote. As questionable as this sounds I feel as tho this is unnecessary because at the end of the day I don’t believe this makes much of a difference in the outcome. Donald Trump has already won the electoral vote, so what difference would it have made? if there was a possible “mistake,” so to speak in Michigan, what other mistakes could have been made in other states that we aren’t at all aware of? I agree and sympathize with McDill when he mentions that it would only be righteous to allow Michigan to have a recount. In addition, I also find it ridiculous that this situation occurred, being that that is exactly what President Elect, Donald Trump accused Hillary Clinton of doing.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Blog 7: Military Spending

Of the United States Government’s budget, we spent in the year of 2015 slightly over half on the military. In total, it was about 600 billion dollars. Compared to other countries we spend the most on our military, and surprisingly, double, almost triple of China’s military budget, who is only second to us. I honestly believe that this is a ridiculous amount of money that is being spent to protect, secure, and attack other countries. Yes, I do believe that the protection and security of our country are important, however, it is preposterous to think that portions of the military budget could go to other necessary things like expanding the budget of our education system, medical and healthcare, energy and the environment and science.

During the tragedy of 9/11, this horrific event caused a spike in our military budget to occur in attempts to prevent the possibility of similar terroristic attacks from happening again. Fortunately since the year of 2011 our budget as slowly, but surely been decreasing. However, this could drastically have been reduced much sooner. Much of this money is spent unnecessarily, where it can be used towards problems in our countries internal affairs. As much as our country focuses on war and external affairs, I feel as though our country doesn’t take as much to recognize the value of the issues we face here on our homeland. Take our budget on science for instance, if we were able to double such spending we’d be able to come up with so many different innovations, and progress in our medical field to improve the lives and health of our citizens. This would be able to go hand in hand with if we were also able to add more to the budget of our medical and healthcare programs. Imagine the quality of life not only progressing, but also being more affordable for those in the middle and lower class and aren’t as fortunate to afford such health services.

As important as it is to protect, secure, and defend our nation, it is possible to do so without having to take away from such money that could individually help those in need of it. The health of our citizens is to our advantage to progress as a people and nation with more innovative and aware ideas.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Blog 6: Solution to Selfies

In my Classmate’s blog, “Selfie addicts should be penalized in every state for sharing selfies in voting polls.” Pablo emphasizes that citizens devalue the duty of voting with their sick need to document everything to social media. he also believes that this should be banned, not only from certain states but nationwide. What people don’t understand is how taking pictures around the voting polls is not only unnecessary and a sign of disrespect, but  can also affect the outcomes of the polls and how people vote. The fact that such newer devices can possibly be used around such voting machines that are in a majority of states at the least 10 years old, makes it very easy for hackers to find ways to possibly manipulate such polls. This standpoint that hackers are possibly able to use their phones around the voting machine is a clever reasoning because what people don’t understand is that technology has advanced so much to this point that anything is physically possible, even completely manipulating thousands and thousands of votes. I completely agree with my fellow classmates that prohibiting the use of devices, in general, should be enforced, along with possible punishments to those that don’t listen. not only because of the possibility of endangering the election’s results also because, out of respect and the amount of seriousness, that should be taken that you are voting on a national level, that this is a pretty big deal and our country only votes for president every 4 years. It is very disrespectful and childish to stop and take a “selfie” in the middle of a national duty. When we, as American citizens vote for who we individually believe should be our next leader, our decisions should be personal and not influence anybody else's choice, and at that be taken seriously as a civil duty.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Should The Government Pay For My Tuition? (Blog 5)

It is becoming noticeable, now more than ever that every year college tuition continues to only increases. But how are “fresh out of high school” youth, with little-to-no money and lower class jobs supposed to pay to excel in education? This is the type of situation that so many young adults have to be faced with. The ambition to further their education and take a direct path into a chosen career, unfortunately, with little, if any finances. I’m not devaluing the impact financial aid make each year, however, this process is beginning to be, well, not enough. The average cost of higher education at a 4-year university, circles around 100,000, and alas, graduate school programs only increase the cost. Many students are led towards debt positioning themselves into higher education, which is supposed to bring them stable financial lives for their “bright” futures. How ridiculous is this?
As helpful as it would be to have the government to pay for tuition or at least a majority of it, why hand the burden over to taxpayers, who already carry the burden of welfare? This solution will only increase the national debt, and make higher paying jobs easier to get with more unnecessary competition. Young adults would only devalue education more than they already do now that they are able to take it for granted. This overpowers the problems that lower and middle-class society faces while trying to pay for their children’s education. Although the issue is funding, those who must work hard to further their education, seem to only have to work harder to continue. On the other hand, those privileged enough to have the funding to go don’t have to endure those struggles. It is simply, those at the bottom struggle to climb up, or settle in that position, while those who are above, remain at the top.

The only reasonable conclusion that I’d say could reasonably leave both sides “unharmed” , is to push financial aid while increase funding from the government, while not expecting them to pay for school. Grants and scholarships aren’t going to suffice each individual in financial need.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Blog Stage 4

In CNN's article called "Building walls to keep out immigrants helps terrorists" the two rapporteurs, Ben Emerson and Jessica Jones, elaborate on how Candidate Trump's plan to build a wall along the southern border would only pressure more illegal immigrants to sneak into the United States. 

As United Nations rapporteurs, both Emerson and Jones specialize in human rights and international law. Their argument is that Trump's proposal to build a wall will only make the rates of illegal immigration increase. the more America tried to restrict immigrant from coming through, the more illegal immigrants will fight to come over to this country. What many Americans fail to realize is that a lot of the time, when immigrants are brought over it is because they are refugees escaping countries with active terrorist groups and persecution. Trump has accused immigrants of being terrorists, in spite of this, as the article states, "Refugees are, in many cases, victims of terrorism". Both rapporteurs believe that the more that America restricts the national boundaries, the more it encourages people to defy such restrictions, in hopes of a better re-establishment for their families. As much as immigration is an issue America faces as a country, it is not a battle we can take on by ourselves. Trumps "easy fix"to keeping immigrants out, is very much an issue that America overlooks. The case problem is that the immigration we face is not one of just south of our borders, but of every possible direction. Unfortunately, many citizens don't see illegal immigrants as trying to better the future of their children, instead, we naturally see immigrants as a threat and menace to society.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Substantial commentary or criticism #1

As controversial as this year's campaign is, there is not yet an obvious winner that America can conclude. However, as Bernie Sanders’ pollster, Ben Tulchin expresses in the "Los Angeles Time" what could make the most impact for democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. In Tulchin’s article called, “Bernie Sanders’ pollster explains how Clinton can gain ground with millennial voters” he expresses what strategies could best assist Clinton in overpowering the polls.

As time significantly whines down for Clinton and Trump to win over America, it is obvious  that the only way one may outdo the other is be winning over the youngest generation of voters. Ben Tulchin took notice of prior Candidate Bernie Sanders and how he slowly, but surely was able to gain the trust and support of the younger generation by strategically engaging with them in issues that very much pertained to them. Issues such as mediocre job prospects and high levels of college debt (which Sanders addressed with free college tuition), and equal rights. As progressive as the millennial generation is, Tulchin infers that "they feel they’ve been dealt a bad hand of economic recession, wage stagnation, and political gridlock."

It seems as though Tulchin's intended audience is Hillary Clinton. As Sanders supported such issues in a peaceful and direct manner, Tulchin believes this will be in Clinton's favor. The more Clinton makes these changes a priority, the better off she is with gaining a significant amount of youthful voters in such a small amount of time.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Barack Obama’s Final Speech to the United Nations as President!

On Tuesday, the 20th of September, Time Magazine's Reporter Katie Reilly, gives an insight on President Obama's final speech at the United Nations. Obama's message was one of coming togetherness into a more progressive and open way of thinking. Barack continues on into a reflection of how well our society has improved of that in the 20th century, yet it is overlooked by the natural "retreat" of divide, "conflict, along age-old lines of nation and tribe and race and religion." He insists that as we progress in society we must be able to  continue to grow and push innovation because if society only progresses to turn back around and reform back to the old ways of thinking then society will worsen into more conflicts and unnecessary war. In addition, Obama urges us on that such progression will guide us towards bettering individual opportunities and national success. President Obama's final speech at the United Nations was undoubtably a touching, reflective, and motivational one and he will surely be missed.

Barack's final speech is truly one to definitely look into! For the full article here's a link to it: Obama's Final UN Speech

Friday, September 9, 2016