Saturday, October 22, 2016

Blog Stage 4

In CNN's article called "Building walls to keep out immigrants helps terrorists" the two rapporteurs, Ben Emerson and Jessica Jones, elaborate on how Candidate Trump's plan to build a wall along the southern border would only pressure more illegal immigrants to sneak into the United States. 

As United Nations rapporteurs, both Emerson and Jones specialize in human rights and international law. Their argument is that Trump's proposal to build a wall will only make the rates of illegal immigration increase. the more America tried to restrict immigrant from coming through, the more illegal immigrants will fight to come over to this country. What many Americans fail to realize is that a lot of the time, when immigrants are brought over it is because they are refugees escaping countries with active terrorist groups and persecution. Trump has accused immigrants of being terrorists, in spite of this, as the article states, "Refugees are, in many cases, victims of terrorism". Both rapporteurs believe that the more that America restricts the national boundaries, the more it encourages people to defy such restrictions, in hopes of a better re-establishment for their families. As much as immigration is an issue America faces as a country, it is not a battle we can take on by ourselves. Trumps "easy fix"to keeping immigrants out, is very much an issue that America overlooks. The case problem is that the immigration we face is not one of just south of our borders, but of every possible direction. Unfortunately, many citizens don't see illegal immigrants as trying to better the future of their children, instead, we naturally see immigrants as a threat and menace to society.

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