Friday, October 7, 2016

Substantial commentary or criticism #1

As controversial as this year's campaign is, there is not yet an obvious winner that America can conclude. However, as Bernie Sanders’ pollster, Ben Tulchin expresses in the "Los Angeles Time" what could make the most impact for democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. In Tulchin’s article called, “Bernie Sanders’ pollster explains how Clinton can gain ground with millennial voters” he expresses what strategies could best assist Clinton in overpowering the polls.

As time significantly whines down for Clinton and Trump to win over America, it is obvious  that the only way one may outdo the other is be winning over the youngest generation of voters. Ben Tulchin took notice of prior Candidate Bernie Sanders and how he slowly, but surely was able to gain the trust and support of the younger generation by strategically engaging with them in issues that very much pertained to them. Issues such as mediocre job prospects and high levels of college debt (which Sanders addressed with free college tuition), and equal rights. As progressive as the millennial generation is, Tulchin infers that "they feel they’ve been dealt a bad hand of economic recession, wage stagnation, and political gridlock."

It seems as though Tulchin's intended audience is Hillary Clinton. As Sanders supported such issues in a peaceful and direct manner, Tulchin believes this will be in Clinton's favor. The more Clinton makes these changes a priority, the better off she is with gaining a significant amount of youthful voters in such a small amount of time.

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